1) Drag the icon of ╥The Violin╙ to your hard disk. You will need at least 18 Mb of free disk space.
2) Check that QuickTime is installed on your computer. We strongly recommend version 2.5, the latest release as of November 1997.
To install QuickTime 2.5 from the CD-ROM, open its icon, and then open ╥QuickTime 1╙ and double-click on the ╥Installation╙ icon. Follow the instructions. You will have to restart your computer before you can use the new software.
3) To launch the CD ROM, double-click on the ╥The Violin╙ icon in the directory which you have copied onto your hard disk.
You will find a ╥help╙ button in the lower left-hand corner of each screen of the CD ROM (it╒s the second ╥note╙ in the ╥stave╙ menu). A click on ╥Help╙ will bring up boxes explaining each part of the screen. Click a second time to hide the help boxes.
To quit the CD ROM, hold down the Command key and press either ╥Q╙ or ╥ESC.╙ To fast-forward through the credits, simply click once on each page.
Sound volume
This CD ROM contains almost three hours of original quality recordings (mostly based on CD audio recordings). To get the best possible enjoyment from these, we recommend that you connect good quality loudspeakers to your computer╒s audio output.
Make sure that your machine has sufficient power to play the musical excerpts without any jerky effects. You require at least a PowerPC machine running at 90 MHz.
Memory Requirements
The application occupies a fixed memory partition of at least 10 Mb. If it refuses to start up due to insufficient memory, or if certain pages refuse to open or only open partially, deactivate any unneeded extensions to free up memory space, and restart your machine. The only extensions needed to run this CD ROM are QuickTime, QuickTime PPC Module and Sound Manager.
If you still have problems, particularly if your machine has only 16 Mb of RAM, you can use virtual memory to run this product. To activate virtual memory, open the Control Panels from the Apple Menu, and select ╥Memory╙. Click on the Virtual Memory option and assign between 24 and 32 Mb of memory space on your hard disk. You will have to restart your machine for the changes to take effect.
If you are running System 8, you will need at least 24 Mb of RAM in all.
If you are in France, you can contact our technical helpline every day of the week except Sunday, from 8 am to 10 pm, on 0 803 09 41 64.